Hire The Most Qualified Veterans

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We provide employers with tools to find the right candidates for them! Our Skills translator allows you to identify the candidates that best match your job descriptions.

Become A Subscriber And Start Hiring Today!

Post your open positions with us to get the maximum exposure to veterans. We promote your jobs via email, social media, display advertising, and through our network of specialized job boards, reaching a broad array of qualified candidates that can be found across multiple online platforms.

We Connect you to the best

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Search our Candidate Database

Search through our nationwide candidate database that grows by the thousands every month! With our easy-to-use resume generator, along with our Library of training courses and so much more, this site attracts candidates job seekers with a multitude of terrific employment tools.

Military Jobs Translator

Translate the military lingo of a veteran's service job into terminology that makes sense. Put in skill requirements for your positions and see which military branch and job match what you're looking for!

Find experience in the veteran community

Fundraising Drives

Does you company have a corporate mission that you want to raise support for? Take advantage of our Fundraising system to set up fundraisers within your company. These fundraising campaigns are shared across our network of sites to increase exposure of your programs and bring in new donors to help you meet your goals.